CA1057670A - Foam-like ferromagnetic packing for clarifiers - Google Patents

Foam-like ferromagnetic packing for clarifiers


Publication number
CA1057670A CA225,542A CA225542A CA1057670A CA 1057670 A CA1057670 A CA 1057670A CA 225542 A CA225542 A CA 225542A CA 1057670 A CA1057670 A CA 1057670A
Prior art keywords
ferromagnetic material
magnetic field
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
Alan J. Nott
Ralph W. Lai
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Imerys Minerals Ltd
Original Assignee
English Clays Lovering Pochin Co Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Publication date
Application filed by English Clays Lovering Pochin Co Ltd filed Critical English Clays Lovering Pochin Co Ltd
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1057670A publication Critical patent/CA1057670A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • B01D35/00Filtering devices having features not specifically covered by groups B01D24/00 - B01D33/00, or for applications not specifically covered by groups B01D24/00 - B01D33/00; Auxiliary devices for filtration; Filter housing constructions
    • B01D35/06Filters making use of electricity or magnetism
    • B03C1/00Magnetic separation
    • B03C1/02Magnetic separation acting directly on the substance being separated
    • B03C1/025High gradient magnetic separators
    • B03C1/031Component parts; Auxiliary operations
    • B03C1/033Component parts; Auxiliary operations characterised by the magnetic circuit
    • B03C1/034Component parts; Auxiliary operations characterised by the magnetic circuit characterised by the matrix elements


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Water Supply & Treatment (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • Water Treatment By Electricity Or Magnetism (AREA)
  • Treatment Of Liquids With Adsorbents In General (AREA)
  • Physical Or Chemical Processes And Apparatus (AREA)
  • Processing And Handling Of Plastics And Other Materials For Molding In General (AREA)




There is disclosed an apparatus and a method suitable for separating magnetisable particles from a fluid containing them. The apparatus comprises a separating chamber provided with an inlet and an outlet for the fluid, and contains ferromagnetic material in the form of a foam-like material comprising interconnected voids. Means are also provided for establishing a high intensity magnetic field in the region of the ferromagnetic material contained in the chamber.


~is invention relates to an appaxatus and a method for separating mkagnetisable particles from a fluid in which they are suspended.
I~ is w~ll known to separate particle~ of di~fer- :
ing volume l~gnetic susceptihilities contained in a 1uid by passing the fluid through apparatus comprising a chamber di~posed in a high intensi~y magnetic ~ield suc~ as may be Pstablished, fox example, between the pole piece~ of a power~ul electromagnet or within tha core o a cylindrically .
. wound, hollow electromagnet coil, said ~hamber containing flux concentration means which ma~ ~e, ~or example, i~ the form of a packing of ~exro~agnetic material. Such an apparatus is fxequently known as a we~ magnetic separator and examples thereo~ are disclose~ in U~S. Patent Specific-ations Nos. 3,567,026 and 3,627,678.
- The force exerted on a sph~xical par~icle of magnetisable material in a magnetic field is given by the forlrula :-F = X m~ ~tD _.H.dH
6 dX

where X m is the volume magnetic su~ceptibility o~ the matexial, D is the diameter of the particle, H i~ the ~agnetic fieid intensi.t~ and d~/dX ~s the rate of change of th~ magnetic field intensity with distance. Fsom this ex-pres~ion it can ~e seen that the force on the particle i5 pxoportional not only to thP magnetic field intensity but also ~o ~he rate of chang~ of the magnetic field with distance. In ordex, therefore, to separate a small particle of paramagnetic material from a non-magnetisable ~
material it is necessary to provide a high intensity -
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magnetic field which changes rapidly with distance, in other words a ver~ non-homogeneous field. Heretofore, the flux con-centration means employed in wet magnetic separators has taken the form of (a) spaced plates the surfaces of which are provided with grooves, ridges or corrugations, ~b) a packing of a steel wool or of a woven wire mesh, or (c) discrete particles such as small steel balls or particles of more irregular shape such as iron filings or tin tacks.
According to one aspect of the present invention there is provided, in an apparatus, suitable for separating magnetis-able particles from a fluid containing them, which apparatus comprises a separating chamber provided with two apertures one of which forms an inlet and the other of which forms an outlet for the fluid, ferromagnetic material disposed within said chamber between said inlet and said outlet, and means for establishing a magnetic field in the ferromagnetic material contained in the chamber, the improvement which comprises pro-viding said ferromagnetic material as a foam-like material com-prising interconnected voids, wherein the interconnected voidsconstitute from 60% to 98% by volume of the foam-like material.
According to a furtller aspect of the present invention there is provided a method for separating magnet.isable particles from a fluid containing them, which method comprises passing the fluid at least once through foam-like ferromagnetic material comprising interconnected voids, wherein the inter-connected voids constitute from 60% to about 9~% by volume of the foam-like material at a linear flow rate ranging from 1 cm. per minute to 250 cm. per minute whilst a high intensity magnetic field is applied to the foam-like ferro-magnetic material, passing a fluid which is initially free of said magnetisable paFticles through .

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th~ m~gnetic fie Ld ls still ~Ipplied, and thPn substantially demagnetising the ~oam~ e ferxomagnetic material and a flllid which is initiall,~ ïL~ ol sclid ma~,net-isable particles throug~ the demagnetised foam-l~ke ferro-magnetic material to wash said magnetisable particles fxom the foam-like ferxomagnetic material.
The foa~like ferromagnetic material used in the pxesent invention enables the magnetic field esta~lished within ~he chamber to be more inte~se and more non-homog~neous ~-for the same xesistance to flow than with the known ~erxo- ;~
magnetic materials. In other words, a flu~d flowing through ~-the foam-like ferxomagnetic material passes through a large number of regions of high magnetic field intensity wi~hout experiencing an undesirable resistance to flow. The foam-like ferromagnetic material ~s readily cleanable in situ in the cha~ber but can also be easily removed from the chamber for inspection or servicing. Fux~lermore it has sufficient strength and rigidity to keep its desired porosity when in use .
: . .
~ ~he foam-like fexromagne~ic mater.ial used in the :~ . .
apparatus and method of the present invention advantageously -takes the form o a ~hree~dLm~nsional meshfor latkice o ferxomagnetic material llavin~ a lightweight, cellular but substantially rigid stxucture. A suitable foam_like ferro-n~gne~ic material may be made, for ~ample, by electroplating an electrically-conductive foam of a xubber!or of a plastics matexial wi~h a ferromagnetic material and then removing the rubber or plastics material by chemical di6solution or by - 4 _ .,'~" ' ' '` ~

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co~ustion to leave a three-dimensior~ n~ic;h or lat-ti~ having a hi~h volul~ o~ voids. Pxe~erablyO the intexcoNnected vo ~ s will constitu-te from about 60~o to about 9~ by ~olum~ of the foam-like material. Most preferably, the porosity o~ the foam~like ferromagne~ic maiterial is between about 75% a~d about 97~0 by volume since such a material combines satis-factory st~ength and rigidi.ty with a low resistance to ~low o fluid throu~l the foam-like material. One example o~ 2 suitable ferromagnetic foam-like material is that sold under the Registexed Txade Mark RETIMET. Preferably the ~erro-magnetic material is soft ixon~ nickel-plated soft iron, iron ~ilicon allo~, iron nickel-molybdenu~i alloy, ~ron-co~alt alloy or cobalt, but o~hex ~erromagnetic materials, for ex-ample nickel, nickel-chromium alloy or stainless iront may also be used. The foam-like ferromagneti~ matexial which is used in the ap~axatus of the invention has the advanta~es . that the size and shape o~ the voids remain con~itant in use and also that there are within the material a large number of areas where the magnetic field intensity i8i high separated ~0 by areas ~here the magnetic ield intensity i~i low: a very non-homiogeneous magnetic field is thereæore obtained.
The foam-like ferromagnetic material ls preferahly formed into a pa~cing composed o a plurality of discre~e el¢ments of the foam-like material. For example, if the chamber is cylindrical, the foam-like ferxomagnetic material ~s preferably forméd into a plurality of disc-shaped elements o~ the foam-like material. This arrangement ~acilitate~
; cleaning or replacement o~ any par~ o~ the packing which may b~come bloc]ced by particles.
~le chamber in which the foam-like ferromagnetic ~ 5 ~

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material i~ contained is preferably constructed from non-n~ac3netlsable nk~terial. In oxder to es~ablish a hig~ inten~ity ~agnetic field in the region of the cha~r, ~le chamber can be positioned ]~etween the pole pieces of a powerful eleckxo-magnet. ~lt~rnatively, the chamber can be positioned within the hollow core o~ a cylindrically wound electromagnet coil.
In this latter case the chamber is pr~erably cylindri~al : and the electroma~net coil m~y be located in a suitable ` :~
recess in a retuxn rame of ferromagnetic material ~ich lQ surxounds the electromagnet coil and the chamber. Ilhe high ntensity magnetic field prefexably has a strength of at ;~
least 5,000 gauss and most preferably has a ~trength of a~ ;
least 15,000 gauss. High field intensities of the order o~
30,000 gauss or more, can readily be obtained ~y ~he ùse o~
electromagnets having a supexconducting operating state.
~n a preferred embodLm~nt of the method of the invention, using apparatus according to the in~ention, the . ~ollowing steps are carried out:
~i) A magnetic field is established in the region ~;
o~ the separatin~ chamber and in the foam-like ferromagnetic material, and the 1uid contain-ing magnetisable particles is passed through ~he ~hambex from the inlet to the outlet thereof a~ a linear flow rate ranging from about 1 cm per mlnute to about 250 ~m per . minute. The linear flow rate is preferably at least 15 cm per minute. The magnetisable particles in the fluid are attracted to t~e :~;
~lls of the foam-like ferromagnetic matexial.
` The flow of fluid co~taining magnetisable :~
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part.icles i8 c-ontinued either until 50 many magnetlsable particles hav~ heen retained in the oam-l.ike mkaterial that the rate of flow of fluid falls below an acceptable level be-cause o an increased resistance to flow due to retained magn~tisable particlés or until : .-the proportion of magnetisable par~icles in the fluid leaving the chamber ri~es to an un-acceptable level. : :
(ii) When the flow o fluid containing magneti~able paxticles has to be discontînued for the ` reasons outlined abo~e; ~e magnetic field is maintained and a clean wa~hing li~uid i~
passed ~hrough the cham~er and through the foam-like material contained therein to sweep away physically entrained non magnetisable particles and loosely held magnetisable particles. The flow of clean washing liquid may be in the same direction as ox in the opposite dixection to the flow o~ feed fluid containing magnetisable particles.r ~`
(iiii After completion of st~p (ii) the foam-like ferromagnetic mater~al is substantially de~
magnetised, for example by inte~rupting the ~urrent to the electromagnet or, more prefer~
a~ly, by means of a coil to which i5 applied an altexnating current which ~s gradually reduced to zero, and clean fluid i~ passed through the . . chamher and through ~he foam~ike ma~exial in .: 30 order to sweep away the magne~isable particles ~ 7 ~
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held by the foam. :
(iv) The magnetlsable par~iale~ removed from the ~oam material during step (iii~ are retained as the 'magnetic9 xaction~ whilst those part icles removed during step (ii) may also be re-tained as a 'middlings' fraction. ~ :
For a ~etter understanding o~ the presen~ inventionand to show how ~he sam~ may be carried into effect reference will now be made, by way of example~ to the aacompanying ~ :~
drawing which shows one embodiment of apparatùs according to the inve~ionO
The d~awing s~ows a separation chamker 1~ made o~ :
non-magnetisable material~ which is proviaed with an inlet ~ :
aperture 2 and an outlet aperture 3 for a feed fluid con-taining m~gnetisable particles in ~uspension. (The direction of flow of the feed fluid can be reversed so that aperture 2 -becomes an outlet and aperture 3 an inlet). The ahamber 1 is packed with a plurality of pads, or disc-like elements each made of a foam-like ferromagnetic material. An electro~
2~ magnet coil 5 surrounds ~he cham~er 1 and is accommodat~d in ; a xece~s in a ferromagnetic return frame ~hich comprises an - ::
annular member 6, a top membex 7 and a bot~om membex 8~ The ~-~
t~p member 7 is removable to give access to the vessel and its pac~ing. .
The invention i~ illustra~ed by the following ; Examples in w~ich there was used appaxatus substantially as ;~
: describ~d above.

A deflocculated aqueous suspension of a kaolin from ~ashington County, Georgia, U.S.A. having a particle siæe .
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distributiol- such thak ~ by weight consisted of particles wi~h an equivalen~ spherical diameter greater than 10 microns and 5~O by weight consisted of particles with an equivalent spherical diameter less than 2 microns, and having an initial titanium dioxide content o~ 1.39~O by weight, was subjected to magneti~ separation in apparatus similar to that shown in the accompanying drawing. The solids con~ent o~ the aqueou~
- suspension w~s 31% by welght. The magnetic separation chamber 1 was packed with twenty three pads 4 of nickel foam, each pad having a thickness of 13 mm, a diam~er of 38.5 mm~
a specific surface area of 5,6Q0 m2/m3 and a vaidage of 95.5%
by volume.
In a first run, a sample of the kaolin suspension was passed through ~he magnetic separation chamber`1 at a ~olume flow xate of 220 ml per minute (corresponding to a linear flow rate of 19.8 cm pex minute) for three minutes w~ile a magnetic field of intensity 15,000 gauss was main-tained in the region of the chamber. M~gnetisabIe particles were retained in the pads 4 and the suspension emerging from the magnetic separation chamber 1 was collected as the product.
;: ~
With the magnetic field still on, the pads 4 were flushed with clean water ~or two minutes to remove ph~sically entrained non-m~gnetisable particles and loosely held magnetisable particles.
~le current to ~le electromagnet was then i~ter-rupted and ~he pads 4 were flushed with water under pressure ~-~
for 5 minutes in order to remove the remaining magnetisable particles.
A second l~Ln was then performed with the same parameters as ~n the ~irst run, except ~hat the kaolin : ' ~ .

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suspension was passed througll the magnetic sepaxation chamber at a volume ~low rate of 310 ml pe~ minute (corxespondin~ to a linear flow rate of 27.7 cm per minu~e).
The percentage by w~ig~lt o~ titanium dioxide in the product of each of the two run~ was determined and the result~
- are set forth in Table 1 below:
TABIE 1 ~:
._ Feed Rate . ml/m:irl 0~ ~i2 original kaolin - 1. 39 .
Product of first run 220 1.07 ::
~ ?
Product of secon~ run 310 1.20 EX~MoeLE 2 ~.
A deflocculated aqueous suspension o~ ~he same kaolin as tha~ used i~ Example 1 was subjected to ma~netic separation in appaxatus simllar ~o that shown in the accom~
panying drawing. ~le solidg conten~ of ~he suspension was 31% by weight. The magnetic separation chamber wa~ packed with twenty three pads 4 of nickel foam, each pad having a thickness of 13 Imn~ -a aiameter oi~ 38.5 ~n, a speci~ic surace area of 5,600 m2jm3 and a voidage oF 95.5% by vol~
In a first xun, a sample of the ]caolin ~uspe~s.ion ; was passed through the magnet~c separation chamber at a volume ~: :flow rate o~ 220 ml per minute (corxesponding ~o a linear flow rate of 19.8 cm per minute) for 3 minutes while a magnetic ~ield of intensity 15,0~ gauss was main~ained in ~he xegion o the chamber. Magnetisable~particles were retained in the `~ pads 4 and the suspens.ion emerging from the magnetic separa~
?~ tion chamber was collected as the product.
^~ 30 With the magnetic fi~ld still on, the pads 4 were .

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flushed with clean watex for four minutes to remove physic~lly entrained non-ma~netisable par~icles ~nd loosely held magnet-isable particles.
The cuxxent to ~he electxomagnet was then inter-rupted and the pads 4 were flushed out with water under pressure for ~ive minutes in ordex to remove the remai~l~g magnetisable paxticles.
- . A second run was then performed with the same para-me~ers as the first run excep~ that the kaolin suspension was passed ~hrough the magnetic ~epa.ration ch~mber for seven minute~. .
The pexcentage by weiyht Q~ titanium dioxide in the pxoduct o each of ~he two xuns was determined and the . results are set ~orth in Table II below:-; TABLE II

Feed Time % b~ weiqh~
Minutes of Tio2 original ~ 1.39 Product of first run 3 1.14 Product o second run 7 1.21 -~

A sample of kaolin fxom Washington County, Georgia having a particle size distribution such that ~/O by weiyht ;~
consis~ed of particles having an equlvalent spherical dia-meter grea~e~ than 10 micxons and 58~ b~ weigh~ o particles having an equivalent spherical diameter less than 2 microns and having an initial titanium dioxide content o 1.6~ was dispersed in water containing 0.066% by w~ight o sodium ;;
polyacrylate dispexsing agent and 0.089% by weight of sodium ~:

: 30 silicate based on the weigh~ of dry kaolin. The pH of ~he :~

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~uspe~nsion ~,Jas adjusted ~o 9~5 ~th arranonia and the solids con-tent ~as ad justed to 29~o' by we:i~ht.
The suspension was passed, at a volume :f~low rate of 250 ml per m~nute (correspondin~ to a linea~ 10w rate of 22.4 cm. per minute), through the magnetic separation chamber 1 which was packed with twenty three pads 4 of the same nickel ioam as described in Examples 1 and 2, while a magnetic field of intensity 15,000 gauss was maintained in the region of the chamber. The magnetisable particles were retained in the pads 4 and the suspension emerging from the magnetic separation chamber was collected as the product.
With the magnetic field still on, the pads 4 was -flushed with clean water to remove the physically entrained non-magnetisable particles.
The current to the elec-tromagnet was then interrupted and the pads 4 were flushed out with water under pressure in order to remove the remaining magnetisable particles.
The product from the first run was then passed ;~ through the magnetic separation chamber 1 a second time at a rate of volume flow rate oi' 250 ml. per minute ;: , (corresponding to 22.4 cm. per minute) and a second run identical to the first was performed. In the same way three further runs were performed making a total of five.
A sample of the product from each run was tested for "brightness" (i.e. the percentage reflectance of light of 458 nm wavelength), "bleached brightness" (brightness after bleaching with sodium dithionite) and the content, in ~ ;
percentages by weight, of TiO2 and Fe203. The results are set forth in Table III below~
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Sample Brightness Blea~hed % by weight of rightness TiO2 Fe23 Feed 83.8 87.0 1.62 0.33 Run No. 1 85.1 87.1 1.20 0.32 Run No. 2 86.2 87.8 0.94 0.30 Run No. 3 86.7 . 88.2 0.87 0.27 Run No. ~ 87.3 88.5 0.89 0.26 Run No. 5 88.0 89.0 0.89 0.26 :
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Claims (8)


    l. In an apparatus, suitable for separating magnetisable particles from a fluid containing them, which apparatus com-prises a separating chamber provided with two apertures one of which forms an inlet and the other of which forms an outlet for the fluid, ferromagnetic material disposed within said chamber between said inlet and said outlet, and means for establishing a magnetic field in the ferromagnetic material contained in the chamber, the improvement which comprises providing said ferromagnetic material as a foam-like material comprising interconnected voids, wherein the inter-connected voids constitute from 60% to 98% by volume of the foam-like material.
  2. 2. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the foam-like ferromagnetic material takes the form of a three dimensional mesh or lattice of ferromagnetic material having a lightweight, cellular but substantially rigid structure.
  3. 3. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the ferromagnetic material is soft iron, nickel-plated soft iron, an iron-silicon alloy, an iron-nickel-molybdenum alloy, an iron-cobalt alloy or cobalt.
  4. 4. An apparatus as claimed in claim 1, wherein the foam-like ferromagnetic material is formed into a packing composed of a plurality of discrete elements of the foam-like material.
  5. 5. A wet magnetic separator, suitable for separating magnetisable particles from a fluid containing them, which apparatus comprises an essentially hollow cylindrical chamber provided with two apertures, one of which apertures forms an inlet and the other of which apertures forms an outlet for said fluid, a ferromagnetic material disposed within said chamber and comprising a plurality of discrete elements each essentially consisting of a foam-like ferromagnetic material comprising interconnected voids, wherein the interconnected voids constitute from 60% to 98% by volume of the foam-like material, said discrete elements being arranged so that r in use fluid which flows into said chamber through said inlet passes through the discrete elements to said outlet, and means for establishing a high intensity magnetic field of at least 5,000 gauss in the ferromagnetic material.
  6. 6. A method of separating magnetisable particles from a fluid containing them, which method comprises passing the fluid at least once through a foam-like ferromagnetic material comprising interconnected voids, wherein the interconnected voids constitute from 60% to 98% by volume of the foam-like material at a linear flow rate ranging from 1 cm.
    per minute to 350 cm. per minute whilst a high intensity magnetic field is applied to the foam-like ferromagnetic material, passing a fluid which is initially free of said magnetisable particles through the foam-like ferromagnetic material whilst the magnetic field is still applied, and then substantially demagnetising the foam-like ferromagnetic material and passing a fluid which is initially free of said magnetisable particles through the demagnetised foam-like ferromagnetic material to wash said magnetisable particles from the foam-like ferromagnetic material.
  7. 7. A method according to claim 6, wherein the high intensity magnetic field has a strength of at least 15,000 gauss.
  8. 8. A method according to claim 6, wherein said fluid containing magnetisable particles is passed through the foam-like ferromagnetic material more than once.
CA225,542A 1974-04-23 1975-04-22 Foam-like ferromagnetic packing for clarifiers Expired CA1057670A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
GB17791/74A GB1493392A (en) 1974-04-23 1974-04-23 Packings for magnetic separators

Publications (1)

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CA1057670A true CA1057670A (en) 1979-07-03



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA225,542A Expired CA1057670A (en) 1974-04-23 1975-04-22 Foam-like ferromagnetic packing for clarifiers

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JP (1) JPS50145971A (en)
CA (1) CA1057670A (en)
DD (1) DD118235A5 (en)
DE (1) DE2517857C2 (en)
ES (1) ES436891A1 (en)
FR (1) FR2268552B1 (en)
GB (1) GB1493392A (en)
PL (1) PL93326B1 (en)
ZA (1) ZA752415B (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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DE2517857A1 (en) 1975-11-13
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JPS50145971A (en) 1975-11-22
FR2268552A1 (en) 1975-11-21
DD118235A5 (en) 1976-02-20
GB1493392A (en) 1977-11-30
FR2268552B1 (en) 1981-12-04
AU8023975A (en) 1976-10-21

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