CA1049790A - Abrasive tools - Google Patents

Abrasive tools


Publication number
CA1049790A CA229,172A CA229172A CA1049790A CA 1049790 A CA1049790 A CA 1049790A CA 229172 A CA229172 A CA 229172A CA 1049790 A CA1049790 A CA 1049790A
Prior art keywords
metal objects
abrasive article
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
Derek H. Prowse
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Dh Prowse And Co Ltd
Original Assignee
Dh Prowse And Co Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Dh Prowse And Co Ltd filed Critical Dh Prowse And Co Ltd
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1049790A publication Critical patent/CA1049790A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • B24D7/00Bonded abrasive wheels, or wheels with inserted abrasive blocks, designed for acting otherwise than only by their periphery, e.g. by the front face; Bushings or mountings therefor
    • B24D7/02Wheels in one piece
    • B24D18/00Manufacture of grinding tools or other grinding devices, e.g. wheels, not otherwise provided for


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Manufacturing & Machinery (AREA)
  • Polishing Bodies And Polishing Tools (AREA)
  • Laminated Bodies (AREA)


An abrasive article such as a grinding wheel, disc or like tool is made up of metal objects such as rivets, staples or studs imbedded in a backing member and abrasive particles such as diamond or cubic boron nitride particles are electroplated onto exposed surfaces of the metal objects to provide a distribution of abrasive conglomerates over one surface of the article.


16~49790 Thi8 invention rslatea to abrasi~e article~
and SindR application in di~er~e fielas 8uch a~ for ~xample ~rinding wh~el~ or discR, drilling bite and 8a~8, flexible discs, belt3 a~d ~heets.
The inventio~ provide~ an abrasive ar~icle ~, comprising a pluralit~ of metal ob~ects (~uch a8 staplea, studs or ri~et~) imbedded in ~ carryin~ material ; (Sor example a synthetic plastics material such a~
Slexi~l~ or non-flexible nylo~ or other plastics mat~rial) 80 that at least a part oS each metal object `~ i8 oxposed on a ~r~ace oS the car ~Lng mateIial and i. abras$ve particle~ (~uch a~ diamond or cubic boron ~Lt~ide pa~ticles) adhered to said expo#ed part3 of the ob~ect~ preferably b~ plati~g) to pro~id~ a distribution of abras~L~e conglomerates over ~aid surface. ~ each ~ - ¢o~glomerate can be spread to form regular patter~
.. ~ over the surface of the tool~, adYantages of clearance : Sor cuttL~gs w~th a corresponding lower loading on th~
Sacs Or l~uch a tool results in Saater stock remo~al :. 20 rates, lower power consumpton and reduced co~t.
- !C~e in~antion al~o pro~des a method of manu~actu~ing an ~rasiYe article comprising adhering .. diamond, cubic boron nitride or lilce abra~ive particles, by means o~ an electro-depo~ition process onto metal ~5 studs, rivets, 8taple8 or lil~e metal object~, .



~0 4~ 7 9 0 either berore or followin~ the a~;Ying of such objects into a nylon, pla~tic, resin or metal carrying member.
~he inventio~ will now be described ~y way of e~mple with re~erence to the accompa~ying drawings in which:-i ~ig. 1 iB a crog8 8ectio~ throug~ a typical l ~le~ible abra~i~e di~c, showing the use of ~brasi~e i plated staples, rivets or studs ~mbedded in a carr~ing ~ember, ~ig. 2 i8 a p~an ~iew of a disc Or the type ~1 ~ dhown in ~ig. 1 illustrating typical, Rtaple, r~.~et ; or stud di~tribution~ 0~8r the ~urface o~ t~e disc9 Pi~. 3 i8 a cro~s-section through an abrasi~e disc in which ~teel-~tuds or rivets are imbedded in an elect;rically co~ductive but pasaiv~ to ~ickel :~ materia} ~nd Fig. 4 iB a cross~ectio~ throu~h an abras~re : disc in which pre-coated studs are ~oft-soldieired or fixed with adhei~ivei into ~ ~t~el backing material.
~8 diamond particles and the like are ~riable material unlikely ~o with~tand pre~isure or blows re3ulting from a ri~eting or stapling technique, it i~ preferreid whe~ such t~chniques are to be used : 25 in carrying out the i~Yention, to embed the obiects ~ to be coated i~ a backin~ mat~rial eOg. a pla8tic3 `~ 2 backing material, before they are coat~d with an electro-dcposition method.
~ To achieve thi~ ~electivel~, the m~tal ~tuds~
I rivets, ~tapl88~ or the like are first af~i~ed to two separate sheets of material. In the ca~e Or a flex~ble 3 ob~ct such as a di~¢, as ~hown in Pig8. 1 nnd 2, ~
3, number o~ methods exist but a preferr~d method i8 as ~ollows:-A di3c Or flexible ~lo~ 1 say ~" thick i8 cut w~th a ~maller disc 2 o~ .005" sheet, perforated sheet or woven meahS of 3teel, copper, :~ brass or similar ~aterial which i~ a~ electrically con .~ ducting ~aterial. ~he el~trically conducting disc cou:Ld also be ~ormed by spraying onto the :~ 15 r~ar of the fle~ible disc 1. ~h~ t~o discæ
;~ are.clamped together and placed under an automatic stapling machine or riveting machine, which provides staples ~, rivots 4 or ~tuds 5 thron~h both sheet~, constituting indi~idual carrJing members on which `~ 20 dia~ond particle~ or th~ aro to be plated, in a regular pre~ete ~ ned pattern~ ~o that the di9c i8 provided~with a di~tribution o~ abrasive conglomerate~ ~
(con~tituted by the individual ~tapls~, rivets or studs) on one surface~
It is con3idered importa~t th~t the pattern ' :

10~9790 selected and the size of the st~ples~ rivets or ~tuds ~re ~uch that a coYerage of the surface does not allow spaces which could contribute towards "tracking" to occur - beyond two or three individual l~nes.
Ihe ob~ect of utilizin~ the steel, brass, copper ~tc. 3him, metal spra~, perforated sheet or me~h
2 i~ to provide an electr~cally conductive point to each individual stud, rivet or staple, ~nd this i~ afterward~
~asked by a ma~king sheet 6 of non-conducting material such a~ rubber to prevent diamond or nickel adhering to the shim, perforated ~heet or mesh 2 during the plating procese.
The masking ca~ be achieved with a self adhesive pla~tic disc, propriet~ry brands of "stopping o~f~ liquld or if a rubber backing is permanently ; requir~d this may be attached by adhesives prior to electroplati~g.
~e ~lectroplating technigue i~ co~monly known a~d i8 achie~ed for example by making a~ electrical con~ectio~ to the metal disc 2 which in turn providee a ¢o~nection to the individual ~tuds, rivets or 8taple3.
Diamond or like abrasi~e particle~ Rre spread over th~
en~ire upper sur~ace of disc 1 and the disc i~ then immersed in a nickel chloride ~olutio~ with a cathodic co~nection. Deposition from the nickel ~ode commencsst : . .

; bur~ing the di~mond p~rticl8~ previou~ly placed on the surface by sprinkling diamond particles, ~ either by hand or by a mechanical mesn~, Nhilst the J , ob~ect to be plated i8 immersed in the electrolyte ' 5 ~olution.
! ~lthough the diamond is spread over the ! whol~ area, it onl7 adhere~ to metal which i8 connected to a power ~uppl~ unit to form a . . ~
cathode. Arter plating, the ~UrplU8 diamond on l 10 areas which are not con~ected to the power ~uppl~, UDit~ i8 remo~ed into a diamond catchment bath.
i ~ rurther method of affi~ing the stud~, j staples or rivets to ~ flexible nylon, plastic or ~on electrically conducting material with an j 15 electrically conductive backin~ aisc, i~ to position the ~tuds, ri~et6 or staples in a ~ig and hot pres~, mould or inject the nylo~, plastiG
et¢., around the metal. The back Or the stud~, j ri~ets or ~taples would then be e~posed a~d attached ; 20 to a steel copper or bra~ disc, by adhe~i~e, spotwelding, ~older etc., ~one o~ which would impair the ~lexibility.
Depending on the ~ylo~, plastic or non-conductive material used, the disc can be affixed to a rigid ~ur~ace b~ ~u~ing or ~d~esives, relev~t to ~- ' ~ .

. ' ~0 49 7 ~0 the particular nylon or plastic used~
M~ny metals, ~etal filled re~ins, gla~s fi~res and car~on fibr~, althou~h electrically conductiYe, are not receptive to nickel withost a special cleani~g and preparatory sequence. The material can be uQed in con~unction with steel, bra~s or copper, staples9 ~tuds or rivet~, to pro~ide the conductivity reguirsd w~thout attrOEcting a nickel depo~it~ In this case as shown in Fig. 3 ~ serie~ of holes are drilled ! or ca~t in 8~y an alumi~ium di~c 7, a~d ste~l, bli~d rivet~ 8 are fixed i~to th~ hol~8 b~ sold~r or adh~sive. Following thia procese the sur~ac~ i~
grou~cl to en~ure the steel a~d alum~niu~ i~ level and tlle electro-plating procedure followed in the way de~cribed above to depos~t diamo~d or lik~
~ abras:ive particle~ onto the ri~et heads.
I~ another ~orm of the in~ention metal ~tud~
may be fir~t electro plated individnally, and after 2n platin~ be a~ixed to nylon, pla~tic and rubber to fo~m a flexible disc or belt, by a hot pre~
A, ~ethod and ~ith a guitable ke~ to ths part o~ the stud to be imbedded in the ~lexible material a permanent bo~d i8 completed.

iO49790 As shown in ~ig. 4, similar studs 10 previously electro-plated with abrasi~e particles , 11 may be affixed to a backing member 12 of aluminium, :1 resin fibre gla~æ or similar material, by adhes~ve ~ 5 or to steel and other ferrou~ and non-~errous metals i b~ silver solder.
) I' .
,j ' '.
` 1:





Claims (10)

1. An abrasive article comprising a plurality of metal objects imbedded in a carrying material so that at least a part of each metal object is exposed on a surface of the carrying material and abrasive particles adhered directly to said exposed parts of the objects by deposit of metal to provide a distribution of abrasive conglomerates over said surface.
2. An abrasive article as claimed in claim 1 wherein the metal objects are selected from the group consisting of staples, studs and rivets.
3. An abrasive article as claimed in claim 1 wherein the carrying material is a synthetic plastics material.
4. An abrasive article as claimed in claim 3 including a metallic sheet on the opposite surface of the synthetic plastics material in contact with terminal portions of said metal objects.
5. An abrasive article as claimed in claim 1 or 2 wherein the carrying material is a metallic material.
6. An abrasive article as claimed in claim 1, 2 or 3 wherein the carrying material is a flexible material.
7. An abrasive article as claimed in claim 1, 2 or 3 wherein the abrasive particles are selected from the group consisting of diamond particles and cubic boron nitride particles.
8. An abrasive article as claimed in claim 1, 2 or 3 in which the abrasive particles are diamond or cubic boron nitride particles and the metal objects are metal studs, rivets or staples.
9. A method of manufacturing an abrasive article which comprises adhering abrasive onto metal objects either before or after affixing such metal objects onto a carrying member, the adherence of the abrasive particles onto the metal objects being achieved by the electrodeposition of metal onto said metal objects.
10. A method as claimed in claim 9, in which the abrasive particles are selected from diamond and cubic boron nitride and the metal objects are selected from metal studs, rivets and staples.
CA229,172A 1974-06-14 1975-06-12 Abrasive tools Expired CA1049790A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
GB2650174A GB1458236A (en) 1974-06-14 1974-06-14 Abrasive tools

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1049790A true CA1049790A (en) 1979-03-06



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA229,172A Expired CA1049790A (en) 1974-06-14 1975-06-12 Abrasive tools

Country Status (2)

Country Link
CA (1) CA1049790A (en)
GB (1) GB1458236A (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4826508A (en) * 1986-09-15 1989-05-02 Diabrasive International, Ltd. Flexible abrasive coated article and method of making it
US4874478A (en) * 1987-02-27 1989-10-17 Diabrasive International Ltd. Method of forming a flexible abrasive

Families Citing this family (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE2966035D1 (en) * 1978-12-12 1983-09-08 Interface Dev Ltd Flexible abrasive member and method of making same
GB2263911B (en) * 1991-12-10 1995-11-08 Minnesota Mining & Mfg Tool comprising abrasives in an electrodeposited metal binder dispersed in a binder matrix
FR2789004A1 (en) * 1999-02-02 2000-08-04 Jackson E Wetzel Polishing tool for TV screens comprises rubber support disc with steel pegs attached
DE102016119746B4 (en) 2016-10-17 2024-02-08 Matuschek Meßtechnik GmbH grinding wheel

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4826508A (en) * 1986-09-15 1989-05-02 Diabrasive International, Ltd. Flexible abrasive coated article and method of making it
US4874478A (en) * 1987-02-27 1989-10-17 Diabrasive International Ltd. Method of forming a flexible abrasive
US5066312A (en) * 1987-02-27 1991-11-19 Abrasive Technology N.A., Inc. Flexible abrasives

Also Published As

Publication number Publication date
GB1458236A (en) 1976-12-08

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